I’ve always felt different.
I can still remember sitting around the dinner table dreaming of building and creating businesses. Every night, I would come up with new creative ideas to innovate and make powerful changes in our community.
I now know it was a call to action.
But it took a while.
As a competitive volleyball player, I committed to Penn State University at the age of 16. By 18, I tore my right ACL, which would ultimately lead to 4 reconstructive right knee surgeries. I wanted to live the life of a professional athlete, but once that dream was over, I started seeking other paths.
I quickly learned
how the opinions of others
were controlling my life.
I was bearing the burdens of
others and taking their pain as my own.
I wanted to fit in but also
desperately wanted to stand out.
that I was fighting
myself all the time.
I was in a perpetual cycle
of self-sabotage.
I wanted to feel good but
didn’t believe I was allowed to.
In the last 10 years, I have used the obstacles as opportunities to create great change within myself and the lives of others. They motivated me to dive deeper and uncover how I unknowingly was standing in my way. We are not limited by our circumstances. We are limited by what’s inside—the beliefs we tell ourselves, the stories others write for us that we choose to believe, and the fear we don’t want to face.
No matter who you are, where you are from, or what you have experienced, you can achieve what you desire.
All it takes is self-belief (and some genuine support).

Professional Bio
Laura is a leading expert in health and wellness,
mindfulness, and business development.
For the past 10 years, she has grown two successful businesses, co-founded the non-profit MOLO Global, and is a spiritual thought leader.
Through her successful trainings and leadership seminars, mindset and empowerment workshops, transformative retreats, and 1:1 nutrition coaching, Laura has served as a powerful catalyst for positive change in the lives of people across the country.
Her teaching and speaking techniques are rooted in both spiritual and actionable principles. Regardless, of race, gender, religion, background, or economic standing, Laura reaches people at the SOUL level where there are no boundaries.