I'm Laura Holloway and this is Activate, your one stop shop for business, life, and soul elevation.



Cheryle Jackson on How to PIVOT with Grit and Grace

Cheryle Robinson Jackson is a global business leader, women's advocate, TEDx speaker, and founder of Grit + Grace - a movement dedicated to helping women pursue their potential. In her career, Cheryle has identified new business opportunities and strategic industry and business partners in emerging, existing and underperforming markets, and continues to cultivate strong relationships to bridge the cultural gap and align industry goals with local economic revitalization objectives.

In this episode of Activate: How right now is our global grit and grace moment, How “Strange Angels” deliver our Grace Moments, How to keep going in times of uncertainty, brave the unknown, and PIVOT powerfully, Give people permission to make the move on their heart! What it means to pivot, live in our brilliance, and be “free agent”3 things people can do to practice more Grace in their lives today

Connect with Cheryle - Sign up: PIVOT Conference

Website: IG: @cherylejackson ; @gritngracemovement TEDxTalk: Grit and Grace



Living in Alignment with Tiffany Louise

Tiffany Louise, LCSW, is a professional coach, speaker, and author of This Year I Will...: A 52-Week Guided Journal to Achieve Your Goals. Tiffany is trained as a psychotherapist with a focus on Cognitive Behavioral Therapies. She spent a decade working in the field of addictions and mental health in some of the leading treatment centers in the country. Tiffany draws from her years of experience and thousands of counseling hours to inform her coaching practice. Her passion and life's work is to support others in creating their healthiest, happiest, and most spiritually connected lives.



Black Lives Matter; A Conversation with Valentine Ewudo

Valentine Ewudo is a nurse, entrepreneur, thought leader, activist, and philanthropist who listens to his heart’s call and takes action. He took himself to New York to serve as an ICU nurse during COVID-19, and today he shares his perspective on the health crisis and racial injustice so we can be of service in the Black Lives Matter movement.



Honor Your Soul and Awaken to Your Highest Potential

with Priya Lakhi

Priya Lakhi, JD, founder of Awaken Ananda, specializes in supporting women to integrate intuition with their intelligence. After 15 years as a lawyer and professor, she became passionate about guiding others to harness the power within to create potent and powerful lives. Priya is a Master Results Coach, a Board Certified Trainer in Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and has spent years studying ancient spiritual wisdom and the quantum field. She has synergized those lessons into leadership skills that support, accelerate, and empower.



Becoming an Ally with Michael Farber

Michael Farber is the cofounder of Breakout, a community that champions changemakers all over the United States. He’s here today to share what honest dialogue looks like around racial injustice, what it means to check your own power, how to work against injustice and truly be an ally. Gain tools and resources to start unpacking privilege and learn why educating yourself is a critical piece in taking action.




As a coach, consultant, and radical truth-teller, Lola Wright is a powerful force for love and transformation on this planet. In today’s conversation, we explore ways to break free from victim, villain, and hero consciousness, how to live with more joy and take radical self-responsibility, and how to move from the thinking mind into the body. We also talk about the collective trauma around racism in America, releasing limiting beliefs, and Lola shares tangible tools to center yourself and connect with your internal guidance.



Fatherhood and Love with Morgan Martin, Randy Holloway, and Mike Martin 

Laura is joined by her business partner, Morgan Martin, along with their fathers, Randy Holloway and Mike Martin for a special father-daughter episode. As Randy and Mike share their stories, you’ll hear the parallels between their paths and the lessons they learned from their upbringings, both coming from close to nothing and being the first to graduate from college in their families. They share how they’ve each married the loves of their lives and how they are still happily married to date. Laura and Morgan talk about the love and compassion in their homes growing up, and how to begin planting these seeds in others. As much as this is a tribute to their fathers, it’s also a bunch of lessons on how we can come “closer to home, closer to each other, and closer together as a world in a time like now.”



Saying Yes to your Higher Self with Heather Cullen 

Heather Cullen is an ex-athlete turned CFO turned entrepreneur and is the co-founder of Sweat and Soul Tribe. In today’s conversation, Heather shares her story—exploring how she came to choose herself and embrace the unknown after years of chasing external validation through her success. Heather and Laura unpack how the key to feeling good is choosing to live in alignment with your truth and values, and ways to begin listening to the call of your heart.


braving the unknown with kelli tennant

Kelli Tennant is dedicated to helping thousands of people focused on spiritual growth, sexual awakening, and relentless self-discovery through conversations with thought leaders and teachers in this space. Kelli and Laura have been long time best friends and have found themselves navigating a similar path of self-love and healing.



Awake Your Soul with Elyse Falzone

Intuitive Healer and Spiritual Life Coach, Laura has known Elyse for close to 10 years. To bear witness to her evolution has been such a gift—she is a sister, a friend, a boss, a mother, a wife, and an incredible soul.



just do it - solo episode

How much have we missed out on because we thought we didn’t know enough? How many amazing experiences are waiting for us if we choose to make the move? It’s time to drop the tension that you’ve been holding on to because you’re hoping for something but thinking it’s “for someone else.”

In this episode, Laura shares her experience with resistance and overcoming it with action. Freedom comes when we laugh at the resistance and move. This is your permission slip to DO THE THING



worthy, brilliant, and brave with kellie woods

In this episode, Laura and Kellie talk about what it takes to understand and get down to who we really are. The two discuss the role of guides in our life, developing inner knowledge and being brave enough to release the ego.



understanding your soul’s blueprint through human design with katie calder

Katie Calder is a Human Design reader and Intuitive healer that is fully connected to her dharma. In this episode, Katie and Laura talk about the things that are holding us back from living a truly expansive life. If you’ve ever felt like you’ve had questions you don’t quite know how to ask, you’ll definitely want to hear this one.



“Art Saved Me” with Pscott

In this episode, Laura sits down to talk with P. Scott who is an artist, entrepreneur and a creative. P. Scott uses powerful shapes and patterns to express himself and his life through a multitude of art mediums. Today he shares how to turn our experience into artistry.

In this episode of Active Laura and P. Scott discuss:

    •    In the space where art begins

    •    Making magic out of “mistakes” 

    •    What guides the creative spirit 

    •    How to stay tapped in to our inner truth



5 ways to live in the flow - solo episode

With so much uncertainty, the more we attach to the outside, the more we lose our flow. If our set point is off, it’s so easy to disconnect from who we are. Laura talks about the ways she knows when she’s out of flow and how to get back.



Embracing the Hustle with Scott Holloway

Laura’s brother Scott has always had the energy and drive to truly activate his gifts. Close in age with similar goals, Scott and Laura talk about what it was like growing up together and trusting yourself to go all-in for what you want in life.



simply be with personal branding expert jessica zweig

In order to live on the goal line and the soul line, we get to simply be who we are born to be. Jessica Zweig is on another level and creates a truly powerful bridge to personal branding and women’s empowerment.   



creating soul success with megan mccann

When we try everything on our own, that is when things can get out of balance. Laura’s friend Megan McCann is the founder of Soul Success, a global personal development and leadership brand designed for female leaders. Today, the two talk about cultivating an amazing family and a powerful business.



Spirituality in Business with Monika Zands

Monika Zands is an executive business and live coach with a Masters in Spiritual Psychology, plus so much wisdom to offer. In this episode, Monika shares about what it means to run a heart-based business, tools for healing, how to work with anxiety, and three things that are true about everyone.



The Power of Language with Eric Huffman

Can we learn to watch the way we talk? Our words and thoughts may help to create our reality, and there is so much power in bringing intention to our attention. Today, Laura talks to Eric Huffman, a Reflexologist and energy healer about reframing our language.



Loving the Art of Cooking with Tina Holloway

In this family-focused episode, Laura gets a chance to interview her mom, Tina Holloway. Having an ambitious spirit like Laura, Tina now uses her passion for cooking as a form of self-expression and creativity. The two discuss family traditions, raising children, and having a successful marriage, all while living on both the goal line and the soul line.



inner work Inner work for outer change with Erin Coupe

Erin is a speaker, writer, and consultant with a focus on teaching an evolved mentality and conscious leadership. So many of us get caught up in the constant cycle of doing more and more at the expense of our own peace. In this episode, Erin shares the importance of blending personal and professional well-being, for a more fulfilling life.


feminine leadership with celeste richmond and kaitlynn clemens

In this sisterhood circle episode, Laura talks to Celeste and Kaitlynn about reshaping what success and sacrifice look like, in business and in relationships. Establishing clear personal boundaries and tending to our own well-being can be the greatest key to unlocking powerful feminine leadership.


Episode 24

Democratizing Spirituality with Rachel White

In this episode, Laura talks with Rachel White about connecting to the spirit world with a scientific approach. Rachel is is a Shaman, energy healer, and a light worker who invokes deep transformation in people. Through this episode, she guides us all on a journey by easing us out of our reactive trauma bodies, and welcoming us back into our aligned soulful essence. We chat about: the balance of duality and spirituality, using crystals in a practical ways, daily rituals and self-care, discovering the spirit world, preparing for what is to come, and reconnecting to community in a real way.




In this episode, Laura talks with Jennifer Ludington about identifying and transcending sabotaging beliefs. Jennifer is a premier High-Performance Mindset and Performance Coach that supports her clients in becoming the JENerator's of their best life. She is the Founder of the SHE Ascends Club, a BEST SELLING author, and Coach & Wellness Expert. Jennifer believes that your values are the vehicle to your vision and that living your life in alignment is the number one wellness, business, leadership, and personal relationship key to success in life.


Episode 26

Taking your personal power back: 2021 starts now

2020 has been a whirlwind for everyone. It’s time to take inventory of where we are and how we’re feeling; what lessons we have gained and how can we fully activate in 2021. In this powerful solo episode, Laura shares how we can use this past year to guide us in making the changes we want to make.


episode 27

Making the Holidays Special with Kendra Peterson

Despite what’s going on in the world, we can still make the Holidays special, in our own way. Chef Kendra has always had a love affair with food. From a young age she was always by her mother’s side in the kitchen, whisking and tasting. In high school her passion for food grew while she poured through cookbooks, took cooking classes and invited friends over for homemade pasta after school. In this episode Kendra shares how she activated her gifts and made a career out of it.


Episode 28

Q+A: Overcoming Overwhelm + Inner Power Meditation

In this Solo episode, Laura shares her thoughts on the most requested topics for the show and closes with a powerful meditation. So many people experience overwhelm in their lives and it sometimes leaves us feeling alone. When we start to see overwhelm, not as the enemy or bad, but as an opportunity to expand our capacity, then we can transcend it.



Back to the table: health + conscious parenting with Megan and Peggy Curry

Megan and Peggy created Curry Girls Kitchen as a space where women in any phase of life can come to find inspiration, encouragement, and support to achieve their health goals and make life more delicious. Together, the two are on a mission to help women discover what works for their bodies, gain confidence to nourish themselves, and shine from the inside out. 



Embracing Our Medicine with carolina parnell

We all have fears in life but we are not alone in them. When we ask for help, we get to realize that we all share these feelings and can grow together. In this episode, Laura talks to Carolina about her journey to sobriety and all the lessons that have helped her lean back into joy and creative possibilities. When we get to let go of fear of success, ask for help and remember what lights us up, we can experience true expansion in our lives. 




Choosing personal responsibility and curiosity will help to uplevel every area of our lives. In this episode, Laura speaks with one of her best friends, Megan Taylor, an international DJ Chicago and leadership expert. Megan's approach to reframing challenges, choosing personal responsibility, and staying open to curiosity, has guided her in creating a fully activated life.



Solo episode: A Letter to 2020

2021 is almost here and each of us has gone through major shifts in the past year. We now get the opportunity to look back and ask powerful questions that will guide us moving forward. Who do we want to become, what do we want to create and what do we want to leave in 2020? In this episode, Laura guides us in creating clarity and vision for the next year by writing a letter to 2020.




Selected 155th overall in the 2008 NFL Draft, Thomas played 5 years in the NFL, where he was not just focused on winning and competing, but rather mastering teamwork, mental toughness, and leadership. Today, Laura and Thomas talk about the common thread of greatness in all areas of life.



Centered, Grounded, and Focused: The Activate Formula with Monika Zands and Katie Calder

There is a unique way in which we all call in what is best for us. Connecting to what that is and how we do it is such an important part of really achieving our goals. Coming back to our center is where we find the most authentic, embodied, and expensive version of ourselves. In this group conversation, Laura talks to business coach Monika Zands, and intuitive human design guide, Katie Calder about our personal creative formula.



Rewriting the Mother Code with Dr. Gertrude lyons

Mothering in life goes well beyond our traditional ideas of what it means. We now have the opportunity to rewrite our beliefs and grow in our ability to mother our ideas, our careers, our relationships, and most importantly, ourselves. In the episode, Laura discusses powerful ways to expand our definition of mothering with Life coach, speaker, and motherhood revolutionary, Dr. Gertrude Lyons 



SOLO EPISODE: Lessons of 33

There are lessons in the years of our lives. As each year passes, we have the opportunity to add new tools to our toolbelt, discover new ways of being, and receive new answers to past questions. Today Laura shares her most impactful and inspiring experiences she has used to live an Activated life.


Episode 37

Compassionate Leadership and Having it All with Heather Schwartz

This inspiring episode will make you want to jump up with a new “Yes” to life. Heather Schwartz is a master at building businesses and empowering others. Through her passion and consistency, Heather has been able to mesh her business, her relationship, and her parenting in a truly powerful way.




Judi’s work takes the experimental principles of improv and applies them to the unscripted stage of everyday life. It teaches you that although you’ll never be fearless, you can get really good at fearing less! Fear is for the living and it comes with a purpose - to keep you breathing. And to remind you you’re very much alive. In this episode of Activate, Judi shares how to get more freedom in life by smashing comfort zones.



From Anxiety to Alignment + The Power of Breathwork with Alyse Bacine

Alyse has been teaching and practicing breathwork for 20 years and is the founder of The Metamorphosis Ascension Journey. She uses her powerful connection to Spirit to tap into people’s energy to help identify what’s holding them back. She helps them overcome these blocks through breathwork, The Akashic Records, and powerful energy healing. Her mission on this planet is to guide people to activate their ascension and live their soul’s mission.



Flexing Your Authenticity, Financial Fitness, and Connection to Spirit with Angelica Alam

In this powerhouse episode, Angelica takes us through her journey of breaking through all the obstacles she’s come across to get to the life of her dreams. By finding the courage to overcome the limitations in front of her, she has created a dream career in Wall Street and traveled the world. Angelica has not only done incredible things in her own career but now teaches others to go big and have it all too.



Fit for the Calling of Your Life with Caprice O’Bryant

Caprice O'Bryant has been an empowering voice in the fitness industry for six years. Today she is recognized as an award-winning fitness entrepreneur, dynamic speaker, and author committed to demolishing the obesity epidemic through faith, fitness, and nutrition. Having faced multiple tragic car accidents that led to her developing Epilepsy, retrograde amnesia, and relearning how to walk all by the age of 19, Caprice embodies the very essence of strength and hope! We’re all faced with adversities that keep us away from the life we want to create. Caprice uses her experience to empower others to move forward and win no matter what is in their way.



Moving Through Transition with Grace

Taj Deshaun is a former athlete with a passion to reach out and help others overcome the fear, frustration, and uncertainty associated with life post-athletics. In this powerful episode, he is sharing his journey of reinventing himself, finding purpose, and how we can use intention to live an activated life.