For sure this has been a crazy covid whirlwind and things have escalated quickly.

Everyone is processing it differently and that is perfect.  What is so important is that we honor ourselves and take radical personal responsibility so we can contribute from a place of overflow and service.  As the legend Jim Rohn says; “I am going to take care of me for you.  Can you take care of you for me?”

We are elevating as a species.  What is no longer serving our evolution is falling away completely, and NEW is being birthed.  We are personally being upgraded and our world (ways of being, business systems, and practices) are all being forced to evolve, over night.

I wanted to share My Personal Sanity Plan; What I am doing to stay happy, healthy, grounded, centered, and in service.  I hope it’s helpful.



While some of us have been on the health bandwagon for years, others are now realizing the importance of taking this seriously.  I have upped my daily routine as I feel it is more essential than ever:

  • I have increased my water intake to 10+ glasses a day

  • I am getting 8+ hours of sleep no matter what

  • Blacking out my room to make sure it’s super dark

  • Turning all technology off an hour before bed

  • Sleeping to this playlist on Spotify: click HERE

  • I am doubling up on vitamins in my foods and supplements

  • I am cooking daily which has been therapeutic; my mom has the best recipes:

  • I am moving my body daily

    • Stretching

    • Light yoga flow

    • HIIT Circuits with bands

    • Taking a walk in the neighborhood when the sun is out

    • DANCING and shaking my body

  • I am taking a salt bath daily

  • I am breathing in steamed water with lemons and salt for 5+ min in the morning

  • I am creating a clean, loving, beautiful environment at home

  • Essential oils

  • Candles

  • Great music: Usually have East Forest Jamming in the background:

Amazing friends providing value right now:

Yoga: @yoga_by_rony, @monicacbright, @wadeyoga

Fitness: @morgannicolemartin, @sweatandsoultribe, @johnhallwellness

Dance: @DjMeganTaylor, all things TIKTOK


  • I am meditating twice as long daily

    • Morning and night for a min of 20 min each

HOW: We don’t have to overcomplicate meditation

  • I put on loving music, I stretch, and I sit quietly and breath, I keep it simple

  • Clear anything from my space that is not serving me

  • Let the frantic melt away and arrive in the present moment

  • I am noticing when Fear and anxiety come from living in the future and bring myself home into the NOW by breathing

LINKS to Amazing people that are offering guidance right now:

@Janandmonika daily morning meditation

Meditation from @healingsamurai

Breathwork from @jessegros


Now is the time to lean into connection more than ever. First, with parts of ourselves that are starving for attention, and with anyone on our hearts.  Every time I sit in meditation I am guided to connect people right now.  Here are some things I have done to stay connected:

  • We have jumped on zoom and created

  • Wellness give back events (Join us every Saturday ZOOM ID: 2175655262)

  • Sister circles

  • Leadership circles

  • Dance parties

  • Dinner parties

  • Birthday parties

  • We have been facetiming our faces off

How can we stay in connection right now in the ways that our hearts are craving?

I am checking on people and making sure they are doing ok.  For those that are panicked and filled with anxiety I am letting them feel their feelings and letting them know they are valid.  This is a time to find ways to express our love and connect in ways that maybe in the past we never slowed down enough to do.  Who can you connect with this week?

HOW TO ZOOM: Download the app, schedule your first meeting, ready GO!



It’s so easy to go down the rabbit hole of negativity and panic.  It’s also just as easy to look at all the good that’s coming from all of this. I am finding the news sources that I trust and staying up to date with information so I can be a responsible human, run my business and stay informed, I am not consumed by it.  There is a difference between being the witness of it and going into the energy of it.  We get to be the observer without panicking. Here are some things I am doing to stay level headed and positive.

  • Follow accounts that give me joy, unfollow others

  • Clear the space: deleting emails, cleaning house on what I want to consume moving forward and what I don’t through social and media

  • Create a virtual meeting with like-minded souls to stay above the noise.  We need to plug into people that are vibrating on the same frequency as us.

  • Acknowledge our daily heroes.  Gratitude brings an overflow to the heart: those on the frontline, nurses, doctors, shoppers, drivers, the list goes on and on.  Let’s reach out and show our love to those giving big right now.

  • Redirecting when we go down the rabbit hole.  A good scroll is good for the soul.  Get it in there, laugh, and get out.  We don’t need to get trapped into the endless abyss of social chaos!



Once we can move through our fear, we can see all the ways we can be creative right now!  The people that are going to come out of this stronger are the ones that are asking themselves better questions!  Questions we can ask ourselves right now:

  • Where were we prepared for this in our personal and professional lives?

  • Where were we not? How can I get better?

  • How can we create better online systems?  How can we innovate virtually? 

  • How can we look to the future and see where the world is forcing us to grow and then get our teams and businesses ready to meet the new demand of the market?

  • What makes me happy? Do I love what I do?  Where do I feel most alive?  How can I start to build a life and potential career weaving these things in?

  • How can we fill a need?

    • Ex: our teams are getting donations and are delivering 100+/day to the frontlines through a pay it forward initiative (our business is up)

    • Ex: a high-end restaurant Alinea is now moved from $500 a plate meals to $40/head meals serving the entire community take out as they wait in lines with their cars

  • People are creating online virtual retreat series for people to cope during this time

  • People are creating online fitness like never before

  • People are finding ways to building programs to fill a need in the market.  They are seeing the opportunity vs. playing victim

  • News anchors are broadcasting from home

  • Large corporations have used their skills and resources to play a big role in getting more masks and gear to the front lines

This is a time to innovate! This is a time to thrive and move things forward in an incredible way that has never been done before.  How can you ask better questions and be more innovative right now? Reach out if you want ideas here or what to be a part of our new creations and communities.



Above all else, our service comes from a higher place.  Like a said above, Yes, we need to stay informed and we get to stay above the noise.  Now is a time to look at our old patterns and redirect them.  How are our old habits simply outdated? This is a time to stand guard of our minds and redirect our focus into the world and the life we are committed to creating.  The world is seeing the most beautiful global awakening right now, if we can see it that way.  Whatever we need to do to stay centered and hear the one voice that is directing us to evolve, we get to do that.  We are coming out of this thing making new mindful choices, being guided from a higher place.  This is a gift.

This is a time to reset, to thrive, rise, and contribute to the world in a new way.

We will get through this and we will be stronger, wiser, and more mindful on the other side!  The new earth is here.  Together we will elevate!!!!

And so it is!

Love and Light,


Laura Holloway